Muser, Inc. was formed to supply high performance products for rowing and sculling shells. The focus is on innovations and new features which increase performance and functionality. Over the years, shell, rigger and oar designs have made great strides. However backstays still look and behave the same as ever. For example the flattened tubing ends can only be adjusted in a vice and the hose clamps commonly used for length adjustments do not fit the high tech designs of shells and riggers.
Backstays are supposed to stiffen up the rigger and help keeping an accurate pitch during the rowing stroke – clearly some of the models sold miss the mark.
Until now, buyers did not have a choice. They had to purchase expensive high tech shells with backstays better suited for vintage lawnmowers – bent tubing, hose clamps and all.
My major goal was to design a stiff backstay which always keeps its alignment even when the original rigger position is changed. Other goals were: ease of operation, high corrosion resistance, great looks and long life. The resulting Powerlink topstay with its patented Fit-Design has been in successful use since August 2003.
Detailed descriptions of the Powerlink topstay, its function, construction and applications can be found on this web site. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments.
Christoph Muser

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